

VICE Investigates (2019)


主演:Alzo Slade 

导演:未知  又名: 未知

简介:   No industry is as image-conscious or as micro-managed as K-Pop. With the recent wave of suicides a


◎影片名称:VICE Investigates





◎影片主演:Alzo Slade 





◎更新时间:2023-09-03 16:53:06


  No industry is as image-conscious or as micro-managed as K-Pop. With the recent wave of suicides and scandals, the question of what happens behind this heavily constructed facade grows. VICE goes inside the K-Pop industry to explore the dissonance between fantasy and reality.

  译文(3): 没有哪个行业像K-Pop那样注重形象或微观管理。随着最近的自杀和丑闻浪潮,这个建筑密集的外表背后发生了什么的问题越来越大。VICE深入K-Pop行业,探索幻想与现实之间的不和谐。

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