

修复成瘾 第一季 (2010)


主演:妮可·柯蒂斯 Jason Sanford Bobby Prothero 勒布朗·詹姆斯 Keith Brace Justin Sykes Reid Moniaci Ray Vin Zant Jack Plas Ethan Curtis Savannah Brinson James Joanie Curtis Jeffery Clark John Jepsen Adam Griffith 

导演:未知  又名: 改造成瘾

简介:   Nicole Curtis is saving historic houses, one broken-down fireplace at a time. Working in Detroit a


◎影片名称:修复成瘾 第一季






◎单集片长:21 分钟

◎影片主演:妮可·柯蒂斯 Jason Sanford Bobby Prothero 勒布朗·詹姆斯 Keith Brace Justin Sykes Reid Moniaci Ray Vin Zant Jack Plas Ethan Curtis Savannah Brinson James Joanie Curtis Jeffery Clark John Jepsen Adam Griffith 




◎更新时间:2023-09-03 16:55:38


  Nicole Curtis is saving historic houses, one broken-down fireplace at a time. Working in Detroit and Minneapolis, Nicole takes ramshackle homes from the wrecking ball to their original stunning glory. Whether it's managing her rugged crew or wrangling city officials, this single mom wields her hammer with skill and returns condemned properties to their place as the pride of the neighborhood.

  译文(2): 妮可 · 柯蒂斯在拯救历史悠久的房子一次一个坏掉的壁炉。在底特律和明尼阿波利斯工作,妮可把摇摇欲坠的家从破碎机球到他们最初惊人的荣耀。无论是管理她粗犷的工作人员还是与市政府官员争吵,这位单身母亲都娴熟地挥舞着她的锤子,并将被判有罪的房产归还给自己的住所,以此作为这个社区的骄傲。

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