

静电侠 第一季 (2000)


主演:Phil LaMarr Jason Marsden Kevin Michael Richardson 

导演:Dwayne McDuffie Christopher James Priest   又名: 未知

简介:   In Dakota City, Virgil Hawkins is an ordinary kid who gets into big trouble, which gets him pressu


◎影片名称:静电侠 第一季





◎单集片长:30 分钟

◎影片导演:Dwayne McDuffie Christopher James Priest 

◎影片编剧:保罗·迪尼 丹恩·马克杜菲 亚当·毕真 杰瑞·罗宾逊 罗德尼·帕特里克·瓦卡罗 

◎影片主演:Phil LaMarr Jason Marsden Kevin Michael Richardson 





◎更新时间:2023-09-02 15:47:34


  In Dakota City, Virgil Hawkins is an ordinary kid who gets into big trouble, which gets him pressured into joining a street gang. That night, Virgil's gang has a major rumble at a chemical storage yard that the police interrupt by tear gassing the lot. That gassing accidentally detonates a series of chemical explosions that creates the infamous "Bang Baby Incident" that affects all the gangs and more. For instance, Virgil gains the powerful ability to project and control electricity at will. With the help of his inventive friend, Richie (who would much later get his own powers to become Gear), Virgil decides to become the superhero, Static. As it happens, this new career is well timed considering many of the surviving rumblers also become superpowered themselves and become dangerous supervillians. Against this new and growing threat, Static is determined to fight for justice, even while his personal life gets a major shock to its system

  译文(3): 在达科他市,维吉尔·霍金斯是一个普通的孩子,他遇到了大麻烦,这让他迫于压力加入了街头帮派。那天晚上,维吉尔的团伙在一个化学品堆场发生了一场大爆炸,警方用催泪瓦斯打断了这场爆炸。这种毒气意外引爆了一系列化学爆炸,产生了臭名昭著的“爆炸”;Bang Baby事件;这影响到所有帮派,甚至更多。例如,维吉尔获得了随意投射和控制电力的强大能力。在他富有创造力的朋友里奇(他后来拥有了成为Gear的力量)的帮助下,维吉尔决定成为超级英雄Static。碰巧的是,考虑到许多幸存的隆隆声者自己也成为了超能力者,并成为了危险的超级恶棍,这一新职业恰逢其时。面对这种新的、不断增长的威胁,Static决心为正义而战,即使他的个人生活受到了系统的重大冲击

  聚片网为您整理了动漫《静电侠 第一季》的相关资讯,《静电侠 第一季》于美国上映,是一部由导演Dwayne McDuffie Christopher James Priest 导演执导,保罗·迪尼 丹恩·马克杜菲 亚当·毕真 杰瑞·罗宾逊 罗德尼·帕特里克·瓦卡罗 担任编剧,Phil LaMarr Jason Marsden Kevin Michael Richardson 等演员精彩演绎的美国动漫,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上聚片网(www.use82.com),本网站同时也提供《静电侠 第一季》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


