

少女玛丽安的冒险 (2022)


主演:珍妮弗·麦特 鲍勃·克赖尔 

导演:比尔·托马斯   又名: 罗宾汉的情人,玛丽安少女历险记

简介:   After three years of hiding in a remote priory, news reaches Marian that King Richard the Lionhear








◎影片时长:82 分钟



◎影片主演:珍妮弗·麦特 鲍勃·克赖尔 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 14:30:00


  After three years of hiding in a remote priory, news reaches Marian that King Richard the Lionheart is dead. Her lover Robin Hood is returning from the wars. Leaving her sanctuary she hurries to meet him but they discover all is not as it seems. William De Wendenal, the disgraced Sheriff of Nottingham, has returned from exile and is out for revenge. Ambushed, Marian and Robin fight for their lives and escape, but Robin is badly injured. Deep in the forest and miles from help and hounded by ruthless mercenaries, Marian must use all the skills at her disposal to keep Robin alive and get him to safety.

  译文(2): 在一个偏远的小修道院躲藏了三年后玛丽安得到消息说国王的理查一世已经死了。她的情人罗宾汉从战场上回来了。离开她的庇护所,她急忙去见他,但是他们发现事情并不像看上去那样。丢脸的诺丁汉郡长威廉 · 德 · 温德纳尔从流放中归来,准备复仇。玛丽安和罗宾遭到伏击,拼命逃生,但罗宾受了重伤。在森林深处,远离帮助和无情的雇佣兵的追捕,玛丽安必须使用所有的技能,以保持罗宾活着,并让他到安全。

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