

时来运转 (2000)


主演:阿比·塔克 Georgie 尼克·吉安诺普洛斯 Geraldine Glenn 露西·贝尔 查尔斯‘巴德’汀格维尔 文斯·科洛斯莫 Stephen Gerry 金·吉尔 彼得·霍斯金 Trent Simon Derryn 

导演:未知  又名: 未知

简介:   Steve liked Celia from the moment they met. But following a clash with her boss, Raelene Beagle-Th








◎影片编剧:尼克·吉安诺普洛斯 克里斯·阿纳斯塔西亚德斯 

◎影片主演:阿比·塔克 Georgie 尼克·吉安诺普洛斯 Geraldine Glenn 露西·贝尔 查尔斯‘巴德’汀格维尔 文斯·科洛斯莫 Stephen Gerry 金·吉尔 彼得·霍斯金 Trent Simon Derryn 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 13:28:19


  Steve liked Celia from the moment they met. But following a clash with her boss, Raelene Beagle-Thorpe, Minister for employment, he finds himself on national television branded as Australia's biggest dole bludger. Now Steve has to prove to Celia, to himself, and to the whole country, that there's more to him than meets the eye. With a little help from his friends, he might just do it. As long as he can keep his best friend Frank away for Annie, Celia's little sister... and protect Frank's cousin Dom, from Tony, the insane local crime lord to whom Dom owes money... and prevent Theo, and enterprising neighbour, from throwing himself in front of a car to collect insurance. Mate there's just got to be an easier way to meet chicks.

  译文(3): 史蒂夫从他们见面的那一刻起就喜欢西莉亚。但在与她的老板、就业部长Raelene Beagle Thorpe发生冲突后,他发现自己在国家电视台上被称为澳大利亚最大的失业救济者。现在,史蒂夫必须向西莉亚、他自己和整个国家证明,他身上有比表面上看到的更多的东西。在朋友们的帮助下,他可能会这么做。只要他能让他最好的朋友弗兰克远离西莉亚的妹妹安妮。。。并保护弗兰克的堂弟多姆,使其免受托尼的伤害,托尼是多姆欠他的钱。。。并阻止西奥,一个有进取心的邻居,跳到一辆车前去领取保险。伙计,一定有一种更简单的方式来认识小鸡。

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