

食尸人 2 (2022)


主演:Jessica Pizzi Monica Carpanese Giuditta Niccoli Diletta Maria D Ascanio Chiara De Cristofaro Shaen Barletta 

导演:Dario Germani   又名: 未知

简介:   Can an adventure turn into the worst nightmare ever? Some university students let themselves be co



◎影片名称:食尸人 2





◎影片时长:87 分钟

◎影片导演:Dario Germani 

◎影片编剧:Lorenzo De Luca 

◎影片主演:Jessica Pizzi Monica Carpanese Giuditta Niccoli Diletta Maria D Ascanio Chiara De Cristofaro Shaen Barletta 




◎更新时间:2024-06-26 14:22:01


  Can an adventure turn into the worst nightmare ever? Some university students let themselves be convinced by their teacher to live an adventure inside an anti-atomic bunker, in order to acquire useful information for their theses. The temperaments and diversities resulting from the girls' heterogeneous social backgrounds ensant an interesting, but, at the same time, complicated weekend. A sinister caretaker accompanies them to the heart of the bunker, considered one of the safest places in the world, from which they will not be able to get out for twenty-four hours. Amid amazement and restlessness, women camp in a fetid improvised dormitory. But during the night two of them disappear. Nora, the teacher, coordinates the research, which will soon suck the group into a deadly vortex concocted by the madness of a ferocious anthropophagus who, with unprecedented violence, disfigures them one by one and devours them.

  译文(2): 冒险能变成最可怕的噩梦吗?一些大学生被他们的老师说服,在反原子掩体中进行一次冒险,以便为他们的论文获取有用的信息。由于女孩们不同的社会背景而产生的气质和多样性,使这个有趣但同时又复杂的周末变得生动起来。一个邪恶的看门人陪着他们来到地堡的中心,这里被认为是世界上最安全的地方之一,他们在24小时内都无法离开这里。在惊讶和不安中,女人们在一个恶臭的临时宿舍里扎营。但是在夜里,他们中的两个人消失了。诺拉,这位老师,负责协调这项研究,这项研究很快就会把这群人卷入一个由一个凶猛的食人族的疯狂制造的致命的漩涡中,这个食人族以前所未有的暴力,一个接一个地毁坏他们的容貌,吞噬他们。

  聚片网为您整理了电影《食尸人 2》的相关资讯,《食尸人 2》于意大利上映,是一部由导演Dario Germani 导演执导,Lorenzo De Luca 担任编剧,Jessica Pizzi Monica Carpanese Giuditta Niccoli Diletta Mari 等演员精彩演绎的意大利电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上聚片网(www.use82.com),本网站同时也提供《食尸人 2》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。

