

夜莺坠落 (2014)



导演:未知  又名: 未知

简介:   Set in Ireland during the War of Independence, two sisters' lives are changed forever as they care







◎影片时长:110 分钟




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 14:29:21


  Set in Ireland during the War of Independence, two sisters' lives are changed forever as they care for a wounded soldier in their home. What transpires in this historical period drama, is a tragic love story of an Anglo-Irish household and its inhabitants, caught in the crucible of deep dark secrets. Framed against a backdrop of a turbulent war-torn Ireland in the early1920's, May Collingwood is forced to make critical and difficult decisions when she rescues a British soldier and must now protect herself and sister Tilly. They live in fear of the British Black and Tans, the rising IRA, their own entrapment, and ultimately the dark secrets of un-requited love unfolding from within

  译文(2): 故事发生在爱尔兰独立战争期间,两姐妹在家照顾一名受伤的士兵,她们的生活从此改变。在这部历史时期的戏剧中,发生的是一个关于一个盎格鲁-爱尔兰家庭及其居民的悲剧性的爱情故事,他们被困在深深的黑暗秘密的熔炉中。20世纪20年代初,爱尔兰饱受战争蹂躏,梅 · 科林伍德在营救一名英国士兵时被迫做出关键而艰难的决定,现在她必须保护自己和妹妹蒂莉。他们生活在对英国黑人和黑人的恐惧中,对崛起中的爱尔兰共和军的恐惧,对自己的陷阱的恐惧,以及最终从内部展开的不求回报的爱情的黑暗秘密中

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